Kira also finally figured out how to manage the big bike, so everyone was a riding fool. Good stuff!
The next door neighbor suggested the beach towel method. I put the towel around his waste, twisted it up in the back and voila! My back wasn't killing me any more, and he figured out the balance in a hurry. It only took about 15 minutes. Super cool way to teach them!
Dear lord I look awful. Try not to look at me. And sorry for the blur, nature of the beast when all the parties are moving! ;)
This is the "after" when he rode forever but then took the corner a bit wide and met a tree. He was more angry than hurt. But he still cried for a minute for good measure. And what kind of mom takes pictures of you while you are crying because you are hurt? I'm pretty sure my kids know no other kind of mother so they don't know better yet. Shhhhh....
Can you SEE the booboo? (pretend would you?!)
But eventually we had success! Unfortunately we only have video of Evan's success, but here is one of Kira on her big bike!
What a great way to teach bike riding! My oldest just barely learned this dad ended up teaching her because nothing my husband and I did seemed to work. :)
I will remember the beach towel trick for the next one.
PS You don't look awful at all, but I WAS a little shocked that you don't look like Jack Sparrow. :)
Horray for you Evan! I can't wait to see the video! we are sure proud of you and know you will get better all the time and not end up in a tree many more times!
Good job Evan! We'll all have to go for a long bike ride when you guys get back since now you know how and can keep up! Keep practicing so we can go super fast!!
That's awesome! I missed out on the teaching my oldest to ride her bike. This spring, she jumped on a friend's bike and just took off! I didn't even get pictures! :(.
Oh well. I'll keep this in mind when I'm teaching my younger two, right?
I'll have to remember the towel trick. Great idea!
Heidi- I LOVED the towel as the safety line!! That was so cute!! Isn't it fun?
Then all of a sudden they are doing it... then they get a motorcycle....and ride away......without the helmet and towel....
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