Wow. How much fun! Kira was sooooo excited. Evan still very skeptical of how fun this would actually be! I'll post again with the verdicts later.
Evan was not interested in waking up. He turned over and put his pillow over his head when I tried to wake him. I eventually sent Shawn after him. I can't wait till he's a teen!
Kira (*my* child!) woke up to the flash! She had the biggest grin on her face and said "It's time for school!?"
The purple My litte Pony backpack!
I wonder if he is always going to be this difficult to photograph!
Thomas backpack of course!
Got that handraising down! I asked "Who's ready for school!" And they both raised their hands and said "I am!"
Daddy walking her to meet her class to line up!
The very first line leader!
Walking to class.
Miss Cassie and Chloe (Both in pink) doing "Hand on our hip, finger on our lip" to remind them to keep hands to themselves and voices silent when walking down the hallway!
Evan taking his sweet time walking to his class!
Daddy getting the door for him!
He walked right in, started a puzzle and barely took the time to give a quick peck on the cheek. Guess he's ok!
I'll be back later!
House Hushing & Why You Need It Now
1 week ago
Ohhh, sniff, I remember..... it doesn't seem possible! They look so grown up! Thank you Heidi
why does it say 'o comments' on the post when I have a comment!
Oh, they are sooo sweet!!! I remember those days. I wish mine were still little, I still get the baby clothes out and cry until my eyes swell!
How fun! Isn't it too early to start school though? It's only July!!! You've got 2 darling kiddos lady!
Awwww, you got some lovely photos. I forgot my camera on my son's first day of school **hangs head in shame!** I hope they enjoyed themselves!
I can't believe she's started school! ARGH! They're all getting so big now. Next thing we know they'll be heading off to college. EEK!
Joelle! Bite your tongue woman! Jane is going into first. Crazy.
Mom, I have no idea why this gives you so much hassle!
Did you send Aunt Denise the link?
Kim, we are year round in our district! I'm so glad, Kira was driving me crazy! I don't know if I could have waited for September. ;)
No Heidi - I haven't sent her the link! My bad! Wonder if I can find your original with the link..........I'll look!
I love "First Day of School" pictures! You can really see the excitement in their eyes!
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