Bespectacled Children

The glasses came in today!

I tried to get some pictures of the kids. As usual, not very cooperative. Go figure. ;)

But here are some of them anyway.

I kind of think they are cute. I might be biased (mommy goggles will do that) but I think I might be totally right about this one. ;)


Marlene said...

You are ABSOLUTELY right! They are A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E!! And it's not my grammy-goggles talkin either!
Of course Kira had to wear purple to get her AWESOME purple glasses!
And I KNEW IT! Evan looks like a brainey stud! (can a grammy say that? Oh well!)
And they both look like they are happy with them!
Can't wait to see them in person! Cuddles and hugs to both of them from us!

**MIGNONNE** said...

You are so right. They are too cute! I love the frames they picked and think both kids look perfect.

I have to tell you, my Emma wanted glasses so badly that she tried to screw up the vision test LOL! After a while we bought her a fake pair of frames. Glasses are so cute these days. I love the way they look on kids.


Sunshine and Shadows said...

They are darling. I love the glasses they chose.

Helena said...

Very cute!

Kat said...

Your kids are so cute! I think their glasses are adorable