A celebration of 80*F!

Today was warm!

It hit 80F so I thought it would be fun to spend our afternoon eating icecream at the park. Lucky for us, Shawn had the chance to be done with work a little early too, so he joined us!

We hit up Dairy Queen and then the four of us and our two mutts headed to the forest preserve to play.

Observe: How to thoroughly roll around in the grass because you are so happy!

So first the icecream. Don't they look thrilled? They didn't want it to melt, but they wanted to play first. Such a dilemma!

They act like I brought them a bowl of cooked carrots for crying out loud. Geesh.

Then some random shots while we hung out. (And I played around with some actions in photoshop too, because the colors are so bright and it is fun to play with them!)

(Isn't he crazy! I told him to look at me, under the play structure, thinking I could sneak a real smile. Oh no. He is trained. He *knows* his mama always has that camera ready so here is what I get)
Hallie wanted to swing too.

Kira wishing there was another big girl swing. :)

Then Kira found a treasure!

We brought it home for show and tell since it was empty.
Time to head home. Yes?

Unfortunately, we brought home some friends. :(

I think we got them all. After full body searches on us and the dogs, Kira had one, I had two, Shawn had two and Hallie and two. Evan and Tasha managed to avoid the nasty things.

A trip to Petsmart, full brushings /showers and body checks for all, I think we are clear.



Helena said...

Those are great! I especially like the one of Evan in the tunnel.

Ariana Rose said...

I'm literally shuddering. I hate ticks. Yuck.
My best friend has lyme's disease, we grew up in WA and they're everywhere.

Before the tick picture, though, what a perfect day and man your kids are cute!! I love their names, too. Really love.

wholarmor said...

Fun pictures! We're heading out to the park today!

The tick thing makes me shudder, too. I found one on DH one night and freaked out, lol. We weren't very careful about removing it. I'm glad to say that he has no sign of Lyme disease. :P